Hello, I’m Mogalanga, and I study English in short English every morning.
emma, 출처 Unsplash

I studied English expressions related to homework and shoes for the short English expressions I studied today.So today, I brought 10 short English expressions about shoes.Today, we will record how to write short English expressions and today’s daily life in our morning routine.
I studied English expressions related to homework and shoes for the short English expressions I studied today.So today, I brought 10 short English expressions about shoes.Today, we will record how to write short English expressions and today’s daily life in our morning routine.

today’s ten short sentences in English
* * 발靴 어なさい. Put on your shoes.

NGD Photo Works, 출처 Pixabay* I changed into sneakers.Change your shoes to sneakers.* I wore them the other way around.Your shows are on the wrong foot.* Change both.Switch shoes.* Don’t bend your shoes.Don’t step on the back of your shoes.* These shoes are worn out.These shoes are old and torn.giabyte, 출처 Unsplash* The shoelaces keep coming loose.My shoelaces won’t stay tie.* Put your shoes in a geta box.Put your shoes on the shoerack.* I’ll get you a new pair of shoes.Let me buy you a new pair.* My legs hurt when I wear new shoes.These new shoes hurt my feet.gavla, 출처 Unsplashgavla, 출처 Unsplashgavla, 출처 Unsplashgavla, 출처 Unsplashgavla, 출처 UnsplashThe short English expression I studied today is the English expression related to shoes.The other day, when I organized the house extensively, I gave all the shoes and boots with heels that I had to an acquaintance.I couldn’t wear pretty shoes after I had a pain in my leg someday.Did you buy your favorite shoes and try them on?? I gave everything to my close brother because I thought it would be better to dream of someone who can wear it beautifully than to break it because I couldn’t wear it even though I gave it to my close brother.I remember the face of my younger brother who liked to go to church on weekends wearing pretty shoes.Espressolia, 출처 PixabayWhen I was young, I wore high heels about 10 centimeters.I ran and walked even when I wore them, but now that I think about it, I feel dizzy how I walked in those expensive shoes.Nine companies, 〇アン UnsplashI think the heels I wore the most safely were about 3-5 centimeters.At that time, I thought those shoes would be very comfortable…Maximul8r、��UnsplashI only wear sneakers now.I can’t wear other shoes because my legs hurt.Sneakers should also choose shoes with a slip-on style and a good floor cushion rather than shoes with strings.TerriC, 출처 PixabayNow my daughters have big feet and wear shoes the same size as me.And I wonder when those little babies got this big Time flies so fast.I thought I was old enough for my children to grow up… When I say this, my daughters tell me that my mother is young.Yes, thank you, daughter~neighbor, let’s stay healthy and young today^^Clker-Free-Vector-Images, 처출 PixabayClker-Free-Vector-Images, 처출 Pixabay